OK, well, now it seems your batch daemon is running but there are still plenty of problems.
I honestly would recommend just re-running all the config scripts as I explained in my previous post.
It will not drop your DB unless explicitly asked to but I suggest you back it up beforehand just in case.
But, nonetheless, as a learning experience, here is what I get from the lines you posted:
It seems the permissions on /opt/kaltura/app/cache/ are wrong.
What's the output for:
# ll -d /opt/kaltura/app/cache/
it should be similar to:
drwxrwxr-x. 14 apache kaltura 4096 Jun 26 10:41 /opt/kaltura/app/cache/
if the directory is not owned by the user apache and group kaltura, correct it with:
# chown apache.kaltura /opt/kaltura/app/cache/
# chmod 775 /opt/kaltura/app/cache/
and clear all cache files with:
find /opt/kaltura/app/cache/ -type f -exec rm {} \;
Be sure NOT to delete directories under /opt/kaltura/app/cache.
Currently, from your log it seems writing to /opt/kaltura/app/cache/batch fails. Make sure this dir exists and is currently permissoned.
Another issue is with:
[2016-07-06 20:23:22]exception 'Exception' with message 'Configuration file [/opt/kaltura/app/configurations/sphinx/populate/ip-10-0-0-92.ini] not found.' in /opt/kaltura/app/infra/log/KalturaLog.php:83
Stack trace:
once again, related to the hostname. You should have /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/sphinx/populate/ip-10-0-0-92.ini, what do you have instead?
There also seem to be a timeout issue when making requests, you'll need to go to the actual log and look at the lines leading to it to understand what's going on.