It's clear at this point I just need to be able to successfully run the config. But since I don't know the current values we're using, I need to find what we are currently using, so I see the deb config has the folders where these values are stored:
i.e. Template: kaltura-base/apache_hostname
Type: string
Description: Apache virtual hostname:
So I need to track down the kaltura-base folder (which according to git should be along the lines of /deb/kaltura-base/
So if I can find the deb or kaltura-base files, I should be able to find the values I'm currently using, and maybe edit them. Because changing them within the files generating errors is clearly getting updated from the values stored in the kaltura-base folder. I feel I'm very close, just digging through folders now.
EDIT: Got it figured out, managed to do something to the batch scheduler to get it to update to the correct IP.