Seems i can stream even if i get those warnings.
I've configured all the conf on the kaltura side.
The KS i'm using is the result of select mysql> admin_secret from partner where id=-5;
But when trying to connect from the encoder with the dynamic link provided by kaltura I get in kaltlog:
[kPermissio nManager::errorIfKsNotValid] ERR: exception 'Exception' with message 'KS Expired [2013-11-11 04:39:21]' in /opt/kaltura/app/infra/log/KalturaLog.php:83
Stack trace:
0 /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/apps/kaltura/lib/kPermissionManager.php(715): KalturaL og::err('KS Expired [201...')
5 {main}
2016-07-18 09:10:52 [0.000366] [] [543346986] [10] [API] [kCoreExce ption->__construct] ERR: exception 'kCoreException' with message 'Invalid KS' in /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/apps/kaltura/lib/kPermissionManager.php:731
Stack trace: