# Kaltura Server #
## Plugins: ##
- Ensure that the Wowza plugin exists plugins.ini.
## Configuration ##
- Add the IP range containing the Wowza machine IP to the @APP_DIR@/configurations/local.ini:
internal_ip_range = {required range}
Note that this is not necessary for a Hybrid eCDN installation.
- Edit the @APP_DIR@/configurations/broadcast.ini file according to the broadcast.template.ini file.
- If there is a need for non-default configuration of the Wowza Streaming Engine (WSE) (for instance, different port), you will need to create a custom configuration file on your API machine under @APP_DIR@/configurations/media_servers.ini, according to the template found here: https://github.com/kaltura/media-server/blob/3.0.8/media_servers.template.ini.
## Admin Console: ##
- Ensure that the admin.ini file contains the following permissions:
This file has been truncated. show original