Looking at the playManifest URL generated for this entry, even when viewing it from a laptop, I see the requested format is applehttp:
This shouldn't be the format when playing from my device so something is off:)
Can you look at /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/base.ini and find the values for the below directives? the values I'm attaching are the default ones
; max duration in seconds
short_entries_max_duration = 300
short_entries_default_delivery_type = http
secured_default_delivery_type = http
default_delivery_type = http
So, you can see there are four related directives:
short_entries_max_duration defines the max video length that should be played with the format set for short_entries_default_delivery_type, other entries will either play using secured_default_delivery_type or default_delivery_type.
By default, for CE, since it is not mandatory to have a CDN that's capable of playing with adaptive protocols, all values are set to 'http', i.e progressive download of the video.
CE also includes the kaltura-nginx package which is Nginx compiled with the Kaltura Nginx VOD module [https://github.com/kaltura/nginx-vod-module]. This enables you to serve the videos in DASH, HDS and HLS formats, without having to use an external CDN service that supports that.
This is documented here:
If you have kaltura-nginx correctly installed and set up, this should work well.
Please also run this query:
mysql> select * from kaltura.delivery_profile\G
Mask all sensitive info from the output and paste it here.
After getting this info, I'll be able to further help you.