I have defined a couple custom data items in the Kaltura dashboard with the hopes of programmatically setting metadata on media entries during the upload process. Video uploading works, but unfortunately I haven't been able to figure out how to get the metadata part working. Documentation seems to be non-existent here. I'm using the Python client library. After starting the session and getting an upload token, the code that adds the media entry is this:
input_entry = KalturaMediaEntry()
output_entry = self.client.media.addFromUploadedFile(input_entry, upload_token_id)
I'm attempting to create the metadata this way, but after this I don't know what to do with it.
xml_data = '<metadata><organization_id>2001</organization_id></metadata>'
meta_data = KalturaMetadata(id=<metadata_id>, metadataObjectType=KalturaMetadataObjectType.ENTRY, objectId=input_entry.id, xml=xml_data)
Looking at the few examples in other-language client libs I could find, I tried looking for this API, but could not find one in the python lib.client.metadata.add(...)
Anyone know how to get this working?