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Studio/ Player Error


This is what i get when i run the first query.
mysql> use kaltura;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> select * from ui_conf where id=$PLAYER_ID\G;
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column '$PLAYER_ID' in 'where clause'
No query specified

mysql> select * from ui_conf where id=$PLAYER_ID;
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column '$PLAYER_ID' in 'where clause'

Edit1: Regarding the path of the config file. if you are reffering to the uiconf_xxxxxx_.xml thing, yes that exists as in the database, but the file is a empty xml file. Besides those there are some files uiconf_xxxxx_xx.config.xml those exista and have entries in them, explicitly the entries i entered in the new player i created for example.

As a concrete example: the new player is is 23448656. the path that shows in the database exists
mysql> select conf_file_path from ui_conf where id=23448656;
| conf_file_path |
| /content/generatedUiConf/23/448/ui_conf_23448656__22.xml |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

But the file itself is empty however there is a file ui_conf_23448656__22.config.xml that has the options that i added in the new player.

Seems the respective files here is the output:

[root@node1 448]# ll ui_conf_23448656__22.xml
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 5273 Feb 1 2017 ui_conf_23448656__22.xml
[root@node1 448]# ll ui_conf_23448656__22.config.xml
-rw-r-----. 1 apache kaltura 2697 Feb 1 2017 ui_conf_23448656__22.config.xml
[root@node1 448]#

So the xml is owned by root root
And .config.xml is owned by apache kaltura

Also not very clear to what are you reffering as the value for html5 column, where should i find that ?

Jacob R.

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