thank you, Jess, we start with /opt/Kaltura/web/content/entry/data/0/0 as local storage as we start to go out of space we try to add extra local storage (which is actually NFS storage mounted to /opt/Kaltura/web/content/entry/data/0/2)
Can you explain how can I achieve this, I try to add remote storage profile:
Storage Base Directory : /opt/Kaltura/web/content/entry/data/0/2
Path Manager: Kaltura Path
Delivery Details
Delivery profile ids (JSON)
Format/Type/Delivery profiles
http VOD 2 (default)
What happen:
1. it generate folder hierarchy:
and export files successfully
2. can't play any file on any player, player error " Media File not found"
when i try Path manage: external it create hierarchy /opt/kaltura/web/content/entry/data/0/2/20170207/0/
but doesn't export files to it the files reside under /opt/kaltura/web/content/entry/data/0/0/ as usual