I create delivery profile
Delivery Info
Delivery profile Type*: Local_Path_HTTP
Streamer Type*: auto
Supported Media Protocols:
Delivery profile URL*: http:///content/entry/data/0/2/content/entry/data/0/0
the new video upload successfully and export to /content/entry/data/0/2/content/entry/data/0/0 and when i try to browse video file it works fine (e.g. http:///content/entry/data/0/2/content/entry/data/0/0/0_bwjyjf3t_0_uldo6fg4_2.mp4
when i try to trace what is going on in kaltura_api_v3.log i found its request
which return the xml contains
and this is the default URL what is the missing step, appreciate any advice