Hello .
I have recently installed kce and i got some questions though .
1Where media entries are located on the disk?
2While i have multi directories contains sub dirs and another sub dirs which each might contain some media files as a path for the drop folder .i get an error “failed file naming convention error …etc” and not able to import any media . Am i doing it wring is there a way to bulk import media with in some sub directories?
3 i guise we all know about the media packager kaltura vod modul where we can have one hls link for some resolutions. That can be played with any player supports hls playing.Now with kce suppose i had an entry with some resolutions and captions is there a way/api where i can similarly have an hls link contains the resolutions?
Basically i need to be able to use the same media for the web tp be played by kce player . And for mobile with my custome player with has hls/rtmp play capabilities .am i asking right?
Thanks .Happy new year;)
Where is media entry located?