Hello All,
I have several server roles (Cluster Installation), DB, DWH, FrontEnd, VOD Packager, etc.
I have some trouble for playing VOD and Live entries. The “Edit Entry” function works OK, the URL is something like that: http://front01.cdn.xxxxx.com/p/101/sp/10100/serveFlavor/entryId/0_wpkc6kyh/v/2/ev/3/flavorId/0_0hep5n0i/forceproxy/true/name/a.mp4
The url points to FRONTEND server.
BUT…when I try “Preview & Embed” the URL is NOT WORKING. May be because points to VOD Packager Server (that’s logical): http://vodpackager1.cnd.xxxxx.com:88/hls/p/101/sp/10100/serveFlavor/entryId/0_wpkc6kyh/v/2/ev/3/flavorId/0_82kbtp9d/name/a.mp4/manifest.m3u8
May be I misstaked configuring /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/system.ini , /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/media_servers.ini, and /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/broadcast.ini
I dont know what means “PRIMARY_MEDIA_SERVER_HOST” related to VOD Packagers and FrontEnd Servers…and, there is NO “SECONDARY_MEDIA_SERVER_HOST”???.
Is conceptual problem…and…I dont get it!!!