We have multiple API clients for various languages. You can see a full listing and download links here:
Since you’re using CE, however, it’s best that you generate your own clients on your server so that they exactly match your server version and include the plugins you have enabled, you can do that by calling:
# php /opt/kaltura/app/generator/generate.php $LANGUAGE
A list of language code names can be found here: /opt/kaltura/clients-generator/config/generator.all.ini
So for example:
# generate the Ruby client lib:
# php /opt/kaltura/app/generator/generate.php ruby
# generate the Java client lib:
# php /opt/kaltura/app/generator/generate.php java
The client will then be placed under /opt/kaltura/web/content/clientlibs/$LANG_%d-%m-%Y.tar.gz
Also, on the developer.kaltura.com site, you can go through the interactive workflows that automatically generate code samples, see here:
The interactive workflows work against our SaaS endpoints [www.kaltura.com/api_v3] so you won’t be able to TEST interactively but you can certainly copy the code, change the API endpoint to that of your CE server and test it against your own CE deployment.
In addition, each client includes several unit tests [see README of each for instructions] from which you can also learn how to use them by following the tests code.