Sorry for the delayed response.
The issues you posted above were due to a missing directive in /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/batch/batch.ini.
I’ve just fixed this and it will be included in the next release [13.16.0].
However, you can already manually patch the config file, simply add:
params.ffmpegCmd = /opt/kaltura/bin/ffmpeg
Right after:
209 [KAsyncExtractMedia : JobHandlerWorker]
210 id = 60
211 friendlyName = Extract Media
212 type = KAsyncExtractMedia
213 scriptPath = batches/ExtractMedia/KAsyncExtractMediaExe.php
214 params.mediaInfoCmd=/opt/kaltura/bin/mediainfo
215 params.ffprobeCmd = /opt/kaltura/bin/ffprobe
in /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/batch/batch.ini
No need to restart the kaltura-batch daemon after doing so.
In regards to KMCng, no ETA yet I’m afraid. That said, you’re welcome to manually deploy it and start testing.
See the repo’s README for instructions and in particular: