Hello Jess,
I am following the workflow tutorial, i was able to generate a token id and now trying to send the data usng that id as a next step. I get the following:
KalturaFullClient.min.js:684 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
at KalturaRequestBuilder.doHttpRequest (KalturaFullClient.min.js:684)
at KalturaRequestBuilder.execute (KalturaFullClient.min.js:694)
at test3.html:26
at Object.success (KalturaFullClient.min.js:690)
at i (jquery.min.js:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js:2)
at A (jquery.min.js:4)
at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (jquery.min.js:4)
Here is my js code:
6 var config = new KalturaConfiguration();
7 config.serviceUrl = 'http://....';
8 var client = new KalturaClient(config);
9 KalturaSessionService.start(
10 "...",
11 "....",
12 2,
13 101)
14 .execute(client, function(success, ks) {
15 if (!success || (ks.code && ks.message)) {
16 console.log('Error starting session', success, ks);
17 } else {
18 client.setKs(ks);
19 var uploadTokenId = "0_5bb8755914bc3175eb90692664929484";
20 var fileData = "/var/www/html/js/a.flv";
21 var resume = false;
22 var finalChunk = true;
23 var resumeAt = -1;
25 KalturaUploadTokenService.upload(uploadTokenId, fileData, resume, finalChunk, resumeAt)
26 .execute(client, function(success, results) {
27 if (!success || (results && results.code && results.message)) {
28 console.log('Kaltura Error', success, results);
29 } else {
30 console.log('Kaltura Result', results);
31 }
32 });
34 }
35 });