Hello all,
The latest version is now available.
kaltura-base (13.20.0) changelog:
- PLAT-8583: YouTube SFTP Connector Migration to CSV (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7217)
- plat-8583: YouTube SFTP Connector Migration to CSV (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7211)
- PLAT-8966: Set property isMomentary to read only (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7213)
- Fix insertPermissions script for groupUser service (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7206)
- KMS-17587: Added momentary cue flag for clipping (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7203)
- KMS-17656: If parent id is null, set to 0 to maintain compatiblity (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7198)
- SUP-14520 chunks with faststart (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7195)
- Allow change account for users with KMC_ACCESS permission (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7194)
- Add notification for slides view change (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7188)
- PLAT-8531: must call postUpdate of parent (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7183)
- Use the version uiconf instead of the latest.json and beta.json files (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7182)
- PLAT-8901: KalturaSyndicationFeedRenderer.php - only return entryStatus::READY (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7181)
- FEV-186: Support sending push notification when thumb cue point becomes ready (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7177)
- Allow order by status on entry vendor task (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7176)
- PLAT-8867: Get live thumb by positive offset (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7174)
- PLAT-8939: Before adding a task for catalog item defined on the action validate that it is allowed for partner (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7172)
- SUP-14485: Use job createdAt instead of queued_time to determine timeout (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7169)
- PLAT-8935: Move synonyms to use contraction (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7168)
- PLAT-8870: Remove the use of increaseEntriesChangedNum (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7166)
- PLAT-8770: Media Repurposing private content bug (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7162)
- PLAT-8926: Add remove/create flags to groupUser sync action (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7157)
- PLAT-8458: KCopyCuePointEngine.php refactoring (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7155)
- If entryId is available on the object use it when building the cacheKey (https://github.com/kaltura/server/pull/7153)
kaltura-html5lib (v2.69.5) changelog:
- fix: tvpanalytics fix bug related to enable nonDvrLinearMediaHits flag (#3814)
- SUP-14316 - Media Playback fails on Android devices
- Send mediaHits (location=0) for linear without DVR
- fix rapt filter (#3810)
To upgrade, please follow:
RPM based:
Deb based:
Or, if running a cluster: