I have link https://2293361.kaf.kaltura.com/browseandembed/index/media-redirect/entryid/1_13t9qqu6/showDescription/false/showTitle/false/showTags/false/showDuration/false/showOwner/false/showUploadDate/false/playerSize/400x285/playerSkin/39702702
If I I try open it in new browser tab video cannot starting play. After reload a tab the video started.
Can someone help me to resolve this issue?
In the browser console I have:
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn’t interact with the document first.
Text track from origin ‘https://cdnsecakmi.kaltura.com’ has been blocked from loading: Not at same origin as the document, and parent of track element does not have a ‘crossorigin’ attribute. Origin is therefore not allowed access.