Hi @astrava,
You can follow the below procedure but I cannot guarantee that it will work correctly nor can I officially provide support for it. Like I said, the best route to take would be the upgrade the entire server. If you still want to try it, you’re welcome to do so.
- Download https://github.com/kaltura/mwEmbed/archive/v2.69.5.tar.gz and extract to /opt/kaltura/web/html5/html5lib/v2.69.5
- ln -sf /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/html5.php /opt/kaltura/web/html5/html5lib/v2.69.5/LocalSettings.php
- Edit the html5_version in /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/local.ini and set it to v2.69.5
- KMC_PATH=`ls -ld $BASE_DIR/web/flash/kmc/v* 2>/dev/null|awk -F " " ‘{print $NF}’ |tail -1`
edit $KMC_PATH/config.ini and set all .*.html5_version directives to v2.69.5 - run php $BASE_DIR/app/deployment/uiconf/deploy_v2.php --ini=$KMC_PATH/config.ini
- reload Apache
Create a new player from KMC->Studio and ensure everything loads correctly and that an entry can be played.
If so, you can then upgrade the existing players by issuing this update statement:
echo 'update ui_conf set html5_url = "/html5/html5lib/v2.69.5/mwEmbedLoader.php" where html5_url like "%html5lib/v2.%/mwEmbedLoader.php"'|mysql -h$DB1_HOST -u $SUPER_USER -p$SUPER_USER_PASSWD -P$DB1_PORT $DB1_NAME