How long the local-part of email can be in Kaltura?
I appreciate any advice and help.
Thanks, Dmitri
Kaltura server v13.20 port 80
MySQL server Ver 5.6.26
Apache proxy port 443
tail /opt/kaltura/log/insertContent.log
execution time for [http://domain.ca/api_v3/service/multirequest]: [2.1581418514252]
Executing failed for request #2 with error [value in field [email] is not valid]
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘KalturaException’ with message ‘value in field [email] is not valid’ in /client/kaltura/app/tests/standAloneClient/exec.php:351
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in /client/kaltura/app/tests/standAloneClient/exec.php on line 351
The format of email addresses is local-part@domain where the local part may be up to 64 characters long and the domain may have a maximum of 255 characters[2]. in the domain name.