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SERVICE_FORBIDDEN error when adding entries on dropfolders


Hi @felipe.borrero,

What does:

mysql> SELECT permission.ID, permission.TYPE, permission.NAME, permission.FRIENDLY_NAME, permission.DESCRIPTION, permission.PARTNER_ID, permission.STATUS, permission.DEPENDS_ON_PERMISSION_NAMES, permission.TAGS, permission.CREATED_AT, permission.UPDATED_AT, permission.CUSTOM_DATA FROM `permission` WHERE permission.PARTNER_ID IN ('107','0') AND permission.NAME='DROPFOLDER_PLUGIN_PERMISSION' ORDER BY permission.STATUS ASC LIMIT 1;


It should return a record similar to this one:

*************************** 1. row ***************************
                         ID: 344
                       TYPE: 3
              FRIENDLY_NAME: NULL
                DESCRIPTION: NULL
                 PARTNER_ID: 107
                     STATUS: 1
                       TAGS: NULL
                 CREATED_AT: 2018-08-31 17:08:47
                 UPDATED_AT: 2018-08-31 17:08:47
                CUSTOM_DATA: NULL
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Of course, the above is just for illustration and the ID and other values will vary but there should be a record for your partner ID [107 according to your log output] with the status column set to 1.

The final failure point is here /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/apps/kaltura/lib/kPermissionManager.php:
in the isPartnerAccessAllowed() function. It calls myPartnerUtils::allowPartnerAccessPartner() which is defined in /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/apps/kaltura/lib/myPartnerUtils.class.php, since it doesn’t return true, access is defined.

Assuming the relevant DB record is in place, I’d advise purging the cache [both on disk and APC by restarting Apache] on all relevant nodes [I believe you’re running a cluster] and giving it another go.
If it still doesn’t work, I suggest you add some debug prints to discern exactly where it fails and why.

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