Two issues here:
PHP Warning: mkdir(): Permission denied in /opt/kaltura/app/batch/batches/KBatchBase.class.php on line 522
Probably bad permissions on /opt/kaltura/app/cache.
For RHEL or CentOS it should be:
# ll -d /opt/kaltura/app/cache
drwxrwxr-x 9 kaltura apache 4096 Mar 3 12:00 /opt/kaltura/app/cache
and for Debian/Ubuntu:
# ll -d /opt/kaltura/app/cache
drwxrwxr-x 9 kaltura www-data 4096 Mar 3 12:00 /opt/kaltura/app/cache
The install script take care of that but you may have had some issues or completely removed the cache dir after they were done, causing this.
As for:
PHP Warning: file_put_contents(/opt/kaltura/var/run/batch.pid): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /opt/kaltura/app/batch/scheduler/KGenericScheduler.class.php on line 99
This dir too is created during the install process. If this dir does not exist, you need to create it:
# ll -d /opt/kaltura/var/run/
drwxrwxr-x. 2 kaltura apache 4096 Feb 29 06:49 /opt/kaltura/var/run