The selected presentation is invalid
I can not use a powerpoint presentation for some reason please help image.png1920x605 21.4 KB
View ArticlePossible Memory leak?
I have the latest community version installed and running. BUT I am concerned about a possible memory leak. I rebooted the computer. After a couple hours it was at 4GB ram usage. about 25%. I didn’t...
View ArticlePossible Memory leak?
Hello @sales_3, The Kaltura platform comprises of several components, including third party FOSS ones. In addition, your machine may be running other processes that do not pertain to Kaltura so I’m...
View ArticleThe grand manhattan phồn thịnh tương lai - 0901302000
Sài Gòn manhattan - Phồn thịnh tương lai - Con rồng vàng của thời đại. The grand mahhattan Sài Gòn thuộc chủ đầu tư Novaland là dự án chung cư bậc nhất thiên đường sống của mọi gia đình. Đằng sau mỗi...
View ArticleKmc-ng drag and drop
The new kmc-ng really missing a drag and drop option for adding new media. It also needs some kind of convertion progress bar and auto refresh when the conversion is complete and the entry changes its...
View ArticleIssue of logrotation for kaltura_monit.log
Hello. In recently versions of the Kaltura CE, kaltura_monit service does not write logs to “/opt/kaltura/log/kaltura_monit.log”. So that, the “kaltura_monit.log” is not created. On the other hand,...
View ArticleKalturaResponseProfile Documentation
Discussion for KalturaResponseProfile documentation
View ArticleIssue of logrotation for kaltura_monit.log
Hi @t-saito, Please see: kaltura-monit-5.25.2-1 was pushed to the 14.6.0 repo which is the next...
View ArticleIssue of logrotation for kaltura_monit.log
Hello, @jess Thank you for your response and advice. I am looking forward to release of the Kaltura CE 14.6.0. Regards
View ArticleUpload Videos To Kaltura Using Python
I am new to Pyhton/Kaltura api, trying to upload videos on to their platform. I have a simple Flask application with the code below. from flask import Flask from KalturaClient import * from...
View ArticleUpload Videos To Kaltura Using Python
Hello @dsingh1, First of all, note that I’ve masked your personal information [partner ID, secret, token ID, etc]. When posting on the forum, such information should never be provided. In your...
View ArticleAnalytics info for the stream in the player
Does exists a pluguin in the Kaltura player to request for the bandwithc, codec and other statistics information from the stream. How it could be enabled? Something like Youtube: thanks Lluís
View Articlereport.getTable to gather usage metrics?
Brand new to Kaltura and development using node.js, lots of learning ahead. The report.GetTalble has two reports that I want metrics for - TopContent and UserEngagement. However, I need to pull a...
View Articlereport.getTable to gather usage metrics?
Hello @wired137, The max PageSize you can use is 500. You need to iterate over each page, cycle through the records in the returned dataset and increment PageIndex by one at the end of each iteration....
View ArticleFrame by frame?
Hi @00gasman00, Technically speaking, all playback is done frame by frame by default so I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking for. Can you please reiterate? Thanks,
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