Core changelog: - PLAT-4620 - Support delete on MediaPrep - PLAT-5408 - VNPT tokenizer - PLAT-5369 - Change default pre fetch time to be a configurable value - PLAT-4961 - Support passthrough as part of Slating Epic - PLAT-4962 - Support return to defined entry as part of Slating development - PLAT-5295 - Live/DVR & Play manifest use register to caluclate playmanifest response - PLAT-5357 - Change RTMP url to contain all information on DNS - SUP-8280 - YouTube API - Distribution error due to duplicate distribute - SUP-7828 - Can't distribute when description use HTML tags - PLAT-5543 - Searching codeCue points with metadatSearch condition is not working - PLAT-5264 - ADVs are not played(SyntaxError: Unexpected token @).
HTML5 changelog: - FEC-5518 - Expose PTS in HLS JS player - SUP-8167 - FEC-5503 - Add support for Related Plugin - SUP-7515 - SUP-6103 - FEC-5419 - Buffer, interruption, - FEC-5549 - MultiAudioTracks: Select audio button disabled on Edge browser - FEC-5548 - Add ability to pass captions array via external captions event - FEM-460 - Handle Kaltura.OverrideLicneseURL in MobileSDK/EmbedPlayerNativeComponent - FEC-484 - Version Tag - FEC-5457 - expose new event for external full screen - FEC-5395 - hlsjs- heartbeat: trackSessionStart event not reported when playing kaltura live with dvr - FEC-5567 - uDRM:WVCENC:Video is stuck with wrong current time instead of playing after performing seek from the end of video to beginning - SUP-7410 - FEC-5569 - uDRM: Rate selector is not working - FEC-5573 - Add ‘ setKDPAttribute’ support for ‘visible’ property in controlBarContainer and topBarContainer - FEC-5575 - Setting DASH source multiple times while in init state crashes playback - FEM-385 - Android | Native sdk | Multi audio/Captions support - FEC-3682 - live HLS: Each time player buffers, the latency increases - FEM-514 - Fix Undefined index in mweApiGetLicenseData.php - SUP-7804 - FEC-5282 - Mobile Skin Portrait Mode - FEC-5595 - Monetization: Vast (ID:12): Video does not resume from the 15th second after ad is finished playing - FEC-5583 - Lecture capture (ID:42) -Audio/Video doesn't start playing on clicking Slide/Chapter' - FEC-5580 - Webvtt: "Loading text" is shown at left upper side of a player, when switching between languages - FEC-5576 - webvtt: gap is shown instead to show the cue at most right side of a player - FEC-5574 - webvtt: cue text tag is not working - FEC-5556 - closedCaptions - redundant div is created in the DOM per each language - FEC-5599 - HTML player not switching DRM videos - WEBC-691 - As a producer I'd like to upload a slide deck via the webcasting application - FEC-1246 - Create per-user agent top level css classes - FEC-5601 - HLS JS: Lecture Capture: Video starts from the beginning after changing stream - FEC-5604 - changing the volume manually from x to 0, and click unmute, doesn't do anything - FEC-5611 - Multiple Playlist: Monetization (ID:10) - Overlay Ad duration is not 5 seconds - FEC-5602 - hlsjs: playlist with dfp - playback get stuck when playback switches from first to second entry - SUP-8326 - SUP-8313 - updated resources page linking to VPASS - fix xss - Fix IOS resume playback after midroll ad - Fix support for HLS AES as DRM source - Update DASH everywhere package to v4.1.1 - updated Chromecast application ID in all test pages - Add captions force webVTT flag for kaltura API on-the-fly generated webvtt captions