Hi @learn_linux ,
See @aquileasfx1 ’s reply here:
Hello @learn_linux ,
if you want to deliver the mp4 files from S3 you can do it using cloudfront or directly from S3,
the delivery profile should be HTTP fro both streamer type and delivery type, then you have to attach this delivery profile to your remote storage.
if you want to convert the mp4 from S3 to HLS or DASH, you have to use the kaltura nginx module.
please tell me if you need more help.
Bryan Giles
Videos with a duration of 10 seconds and below will not benefit from ABR [Adaptive BitRate] protocols [HLS, DASH, etc] and are therefore not fragmented [AKA progressive download], which is why, even if your delivery profile is incorrectly configured, it will not necessarily affect them and they will be served directly from your Kaltura storage.
For more info about configuring the Nginx VOD module against AWS S3/CloudFront, see:
# Kaltura S3 and CloudFront Integration Guide
**THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. Contributions are most welcome.**
## Configuring an S3 Bucket
**NOTE: Before creating a bucket, you need to create an IAM user and generate an access key and secret.
To do so, go to the [IAM management console](https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home#/home).**
Go to the [S3 management console](https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/home) and create the bucket.
S3 offers automatic content encryption and other services that this guide does not cover.
When creating the bucket, you may want to enable the "Object-level logging" and "Server access logging" options for auditing purposes but in order for the Kaltura integration to work, none of the options under the "Set Properties" configuration view are needed.
Under "Set Permissions", the default values can be left as they are.
After creating the bucket, you will need to add an access policy. Go to the ```bucket configuration->Permissions->Bucket Policy```.
Amazon has a [Policy Generator](http://awspolicygen.s3.amazonaws.com/policygen.html) you can use to generate the policy JSON.
The actions you should allow are:
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